How can I get involved?

If you’re an avid CrossFitter and have been a member at a previous box.

What do we do?

We have coaches that run four class types: 

  1. WODs - our bread and butter, CrossFit through and through.

  2. Barbell - a deep dive into the Olympic lifts.

  3. Strong As A Mother - our specialist postnatal class.

  4. Engines - Aerobic capacity done properly.

Do all programmes speak to each other?

No, the programming for all of our class types are disconnected from each other. Plan accordingly.

What class/membership is best to start with?

We think getting the basics right first before progressing. We are firm believers in nailing mechanics, followed by consistent application of those mechanics and then and only then bumping up intensity. Our suggestion is start with a Standard membership, build a habit of three sessions a week then you can think about getting more in.

Can I come at other times between classes?

We  have predetermined time for Open Gym. If there isn’t a slot on our timetable sadly the gym cannot be accessed.

What is the latest time I can cancel without being charged?

We have a very generous late cancel period, which is 2 hours before the class. If you cancel within the two hours before your class we cannot refund you your credit.

Do your coaches do PT sessions?

They do - drop us an email on: train@crossfitpeckham.com and we can link you up with the best of the best. 

Is there a minimum time for membership or is it a rolling contract?

We have a 30 days cancellation policy on recurring memberships.